Tuesday, 19 May 2015


Final Piece

For my final book cover and double page spreads I decided to use a water colour process as it is a common sight in children's publishing, and I was confident I could pull off some eerie and creepy looking results using such a traditional method.

I started with the drawings in pencil, then later also traced the lines with ink to have cartoony style line that would define detail in the image.

Next step was water colour. I used mostly contrasting colours to convey light and dark tones e.g. blue and orange and yellow and purple.

Next stage was to add the two images together in Photoshop, I used the magic wand tool to delete all of the white areas and then places the black lines over the water colour image.

Here is the result of the two images being merged together.

The next thing I wanted to do in this next image was add some sort of musical aura being released from the Pipers pipe and trailing behind him, luring the children with his song. I used a soft brush tool set to a low opacity to do this.

The next stage was the finishing stage of dding text, In this example the hill that the piper and the children were walking up made an excellent area to put body text.

This process was the same for the other double page spread I have created along with the front cover for this book. 
Here are the final finished Pied Piper book cover and double page spreads.

Print Analysis