Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Final Draft

After developing my scamp of the split faces of the pied piper and a huge rat both spanning the front and back covers, I needed to refine the Idea further and using photoshop and drawing software to add colour and get an Idea of what colour pallets I will need to use to make the drawing look the best it could possibly be, whilst keeping true to the story and genre of the book I want to create.
The colours needed to be a mixture of desaturated colours for the rat and the pipers skin, and saturated bright colours for areas such as the eyes and the pipers clothes. The method I used to add colour was digital art, although I like this method, I feel that this book could do with a much more traditional technique of colouring, possibly water colours like I used in my previous experiment. 
This is the final draft that I will use as guidance for when it comes to my final.

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